Thursday, February 11, 2021


Genesis 3: 1-8
Mk 7: 31-37

Today's readings remained us of our relationship with God. By disobedience we are separated from Him. To be like God is not a sin. Jesus said be holy as my heavenly father is Holy. Our ultimate goal is to be like God in everything. Following the commandments of God we can become like Him.

Most of the time we disobey, we sin and feel guilty about it as Adam and Eve. But in psalm 32 we are assured that God forgives our sins when we acknowledge. Therefore we should not be afraid of Him.

In the gospel Jesus heals a man who is deaf and mute.

Pope Benedict XVI said "Since humanity is inwardly deaf and mute as a result of sin, God became man in the person of Christ so that we become able to hear the voice of God, Voice of love speaking to our heart, and learn to speak in the language of love.

Jesus Christ is the bridge between God and us. Lets come to him be saved.

Today we spend time to know our own weaknesses which separate us from God.

As we have heard the words of God, May the Lord enable us to hear and proclaim His word. Amen

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