Thursday, October 1, 2020

The Feast of Guardian Angels


Exo. 23: 20-23

Mt 18: 1-5,10

Today we celebrate the feast of Guardian angels. The word Angel comes from Greek word aggelos which means messenger. We have been taught from our child hood that everyone has a guardian angel.  They are appointed by God to  protect us and guide us for eternal life. As we celebrate the feast of Guardian angels we pray to God that we feel their presence in our lives...there are times when we were protected by our guardian angels but never acknowledged. Yesterday I was telling you that we are the messenger of peace. Today the messenger is the angel. Can we be guardian angel to each other. The angel brings good news, protects and guides one to attain eternal life.

To participate worthily in Holy Eucharist, we ask pardon form God.

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

The first reading is all about the angel. The first reading ends with : if you listen to what  he says and fulfill what I say to you, I will be enemy of your enemies. ...and so on...this is the assurance God gives us that he is always with us but he never forces... it is our free choice whether to be with Him or without Him.

In the Gospel Jesus speaks about a little child. A child is vulnerable. Those who are innocent, weak in the society physically and economically  are like a child who are  taken for a ride. Jesus warns us today not to despise one of these little ones.

Let's ask to oneself ; Have I ever neglected the vulnerable around me?

May God bless us with his words.

Saint Therese of Child Jesus

Today we  celebrates the feast of St. Therese of Child Jesus. She was born on 2nd January 1873 in a devout family. At the age of 15 she was admitted in Convent. She was favored by signal grace/ extraordinary grace, and advanced rapidly  and constantly in Holiness, so that at the age of 22 she was appointed novice mistress.

o   A child like simplicity

o   utter humility

o   constant self sacrifice

o   And a boundless love of God and trust in him were some of her most outstanding virtues.

She died young at the age 24, she neither had much education nor stepped outside her convent, yet, she is honored by the church as a doctor of the church, as one who understood the great mysteries of God and taught them to the world.

She is known for her little way,  which means doing even the smallest things with great love.

As we remember and celebrate  her feast we ask through her intercession that we may imbibe some of her good qualities and do our assigned works with great love for God.

To partake in today's Holy banquet worthily we cleanse ourselves by asking pardon from God for the sins committed.

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, today's reading reminds us that We all of us are messenger of peace.

Am I peaceful within to share peace with others. We visit families, friends and relatives, do I greet them with peace or before I leave their home do I pray for God's blessings on them.

I can give you only what I have.

Jesus is the King of peace we ask the blessings from him in this holy Eucharist that we will be a channel of peace in the world. May God bless us with his words.

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

The feast of St. Jerom, Ignorance of the Scripture is ignorance of Christ


Today the catholic church remembers St Jerom, a confessor and doctor of the Church. He was born in yugoslovia in the year 341 and died on 30th September 420. He studied in Rome and then travelled for years in a passionate search for Kowgledge.

After his ordination in he went to Rome and served the pope for five years as secretary and revised the Bible. He translated some of the books of old testament newly from Hebrew and Aramic.

1. These are some of his sayings: the reading of Holy Scriptures should follow upon prayer and prayer in turn should follow reading."

2. Ignorance of the Scripture is ignorance of Christ.

3. Always be doing something, so that whether God or the devil comes to you, you may be found with your hands full.

Today as we remember him we ask though his intersession that we may have interest in reading the bible so to know Jesus more in our life for whom we have dedicated our whole life.

In order to participate worthily in this Holy Eucharist we ask pardon from God for our sins.


Dear Friends after listening to the readings of today we can reflect upon our lives and ask, do I make any excuse to fulfill the will of God. We all of us are working for one cause that is to establish kingdom of God. Without prayer and meditation our focus seems to be deeming. We forget who and what we are. We are just like the man who is ploughing the field looking behind.

Though this holy Eucharist we ask the grace of God that we will be faithful in establishing the kingdom of God where ever we are.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Miss Archana Soreng, Advisory Member of Climate Change, UN


Miss Archana Soreng, just 24 years old, young, vibrant, tribal Climate Researcher, who hails from kharia tribe, Catholic Diocese of Rourkela, from the district of Sundargarh, in Odisha. What she is today no doubt is the fruit of her hard work but she also owes much to her noble parents and grandparents who were her mentors, motivators and source of inspiration and her dreams. Her father, Lt. Mr. Bijay Kumar Soreng, was a pious deeply religious prominent Catholic Lay Leader, former president of Rourkela Diocese Catholic Mahasabha for two terms, tribal social reformer, educationalist, the former Principal of Gangpur College of Social Works. Her mother similarly, a pious religious Prominent Tribal Catholic Lay woman Leader, was the President of Rourkela Diocese Catholic Mahila Sangh for two terms, an educationalist, a teacher in St. John Mary Vianney English Medium School where Archana began her schooling. Her parents and grandparents being inspiration and role models,raised her daughter Miss Archana Soreng with vision and dreams deeply rooted in Catholic faith and Tribal Culture with good education in Catholic Schools. After her higher Secondary Education from Carmel School, Rourkela, she obtained her bachelor degree from Women’s College Patna and Master’s from Tata Institute of Social Science, Mumbai. During her studies she was in YCS, ICUF as well as, she was the former president, of TISS students’ Union, and was the former National Convener, of tribal Commission at Adivasi Yuva Chetna Manch; She had participated in, 66th Session of Committee of Economic Social Cultural Rights in Geneva, UN Head Quarters, on the theme “Land and International Covenant, on Economic Social Rights”;and also participated in United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) COP 14 held in India in September 2-13, 2019, where she was part of the Youth Dialogue with the Executive Director of UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) & UNCCD.

She has been the active member of Youth NGOs i.e. (YOUNGO), the International Youth Climate Movement which is the official youth Constituency of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). She is also a member of Adivasi Drishyam, a platform to document, preserve and promote the history, culture and practices of these indigenous forest dwelling communities. She is currently based at Bhubaneswar and working as Research Officer for Vasundhara (Odisha), an Action research, and policy advocacy organization, working on Natural Resources Governance, Conservation, Sustainable Livelihoods, Tribal Rights and Climate Justice. She has been interacting with the indigenous communities of Odisha and India, and understanding and documenting, the traditional and conservational knowledge and practices, of these communities, and highlighting their contribution in climate action.

We feel proud of her and are confident that she will shoulder the responsibility assigned by UN with efficiency and wisdom born of deep faith in God who has created the adorable beautiful flourishing and life giving creation, and entrusted to human beings to preserve and protect it for enhancing life; and moreover she is rooted in Tribal life, Culture and traditions that preserves, protects and promotes environment and nature,apt for combating Climate Crisis today.We wish her God’s blessings in her mission to UN.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Gangpur Mission (Rourkela Diocese)

;slq lekft fe'khufj;ks ds fe'ku udlk ds vuqlkj orZeku dk vMhlk jkT; dk iqoZ vofLFkr lqUnjx<+] lEcyiqj rFkk nsox< ftyk jktoM ;qx dk 'klu ds vuqlkj xkaxiqj] cukbZ vkSj ckejk jkT; ds uke tkuk tkrk FkkA rhuks jkT;ksa es ls xkkaxiqj LVsV lc ls cMk Fkk thldks 'kklu dh lqfo/kk dsfy, ikap tfeUnjh esa ckaVk x;k FkkA
izjHk ls gh xkaxiqj jkT;dk 'kklu ls[kj oal ds jktkvksa ds nokjk fd;k tkrkFkk thldk jkt egy lqxfMg es Fkk tks orZeku lqUnjx< dk uke ls tkuk tkrk gSA

cubZ jkt; xakxjqj jkT; ds nD{kh.k esa ,d NksVk jkT; Fkk tks xxka cUlh jktkvksa ds }kjk 'kklu fd;k tkrk FkkA

fruks jT;ks xkxiqj ckeMk vkSj cukbZ xaxiqj fe'ku FkkA tgks ;slqbZV fe'kukjh;ksa dks lsok] f'k{kk vkSj mUurh dk fe'ku dke djuk cgqr dBhu Fkk D;ksfd bZu jkT;ks esa fe'kukjh;ks dks izcs'k fu"ks/k FkkA fe'kukjh ;ksa ds cgqr dksf"kl ds cotqr mugs bu jkT;ksa esa izos'k djusdk vuqefr ugha feyh FkhA bZlh dkj.k ls NksVkukxiqj dk fe'ku lqisjh;j Qk- lksHksjsu xzkstsu NksVkuxiqj dk dksfe'ukj ls feys vkSj os dke djus ds fy, lqikfj'k gklhy fd;s ysfdu xkaxiqj es jguk euk FkkA ;n;kfi  mUgsa vuqerh ugha feyh] dkFkyhd HkkbZ&cguksa dk vk/;kRehd t:jrks dks iqjk djus ds fy,  fe'kukfj;ksa dk vkuk tkuk yxk jgrk FkkA vkSj /khjs /khjs fc'okfl;ksa ds l[;k c<rk x;kA bZlds QyLp:i xkaxiqj ds ,d fe'ku LVslu [kksyus dk vkoL;d eglql gqokA ysdhu tfeu vf/kdj.k vkSj fe'ku LVslu LFkkfir djuk muds fy, ,d cMk pqukmrh FkkA

csUxy ds ysIVhuUV tsusjky ds /kedh ls jktk ls[kkj nso mgr.meulan dks fy[khr vuefr feyh vkSj dsljkeky fxtkZ dk dke 13 ebZ 1908 dks lq: gqokA ;g xhtkZ vkt Hkh oSlk gh gS tSlk okg cuk;k x;k FkkA dslzkeky xhtkZ ds fueZ.k esa :-12000@& [kpZ gqok FkkA
bZlds ckn 1918 esa gfejiqj fxtkZ] 1922 xk,fcjk] 1926 es >queqj dk fxtkZ fueZ.k gqokA

lu 1927 esa dydrk ls vyx gksdj jkafp ,d Lora= /keZizns'k cukA xkaxiqj fe'ku jkafp /keZizns'k dk fgLl cu x;kA 1929 esa dwlqeMsfx ifYy dk LFkiuk gwokA

dFkfydksa dk vokfn c<rk x;k vkSj fcnslh feLukfj;ksa dk izos'k fu"ks/k fd;k x;k blfy, indor  fe'ku es d;Zjr ,l fHk fM fe'kukfj;ksa dks dke djus ds fy;s 1932 esas vef=r fd;k x;k vkSj ;lq lekth fe'kukjh 1948 dks xkaxiqj fe'ku ls oil pys x;sA xaxiqj fe'ku ,l fHk fM fe'kukjh
lu 1951 lEcyiqj fe'ku jkafp ls vyx gks dj u;k /keZiznsl cukA bZldk izFke /keZ/;{k fc'ki gsjeku oslVZu eSu FksA

lu 1947 esa fc'ki osLVZueSu ds volkj izIr ds cn  jkQk,y fpuFk ,l fHk fM  lEcyiqj /keZizns'k  ds fc'ki cusA

lqUnjx<] lEcyiqj] cksykafxj vkSj <sadkuky bZu 4 jktuSfrd ftyksa dks lfEefyr dj ds lEcyiqj ,d foLrh.kZ {ks= FkkA lqUnjx< esa 1 yk[k 33 gtkj dkFkksfyd FksA blfy, izHko 'kkyh lkoZtfud dk;ksZa dk izcU/k vkSj xMsfj;s ds dk;Z dyki ds fy, ;g mfpr Fkk fd lqUnjx< ftyk dks nwljs ftyksa ls vyx fd;k tk,A

uoEcj 1979 esa lEcyiqj /keZizns'k nks Hkkxksa es foHkkftr gqvk & lEcyiqj vksj jkmjdsykA jkmjdsyk ds izFke fo'ki vkyQksal fcyqx gq,A
fo'ki vkyQksal fcyqx ds vkxqokbZ esa /keZizns'k esa dke djus ds fy, nqljs /keZ lektksa dksa vke=hr fd;k x;kA vkc rd iq:"k /keZ lektksa dh la[;k 13 vksj efgykvksa ds /keZ lekt dh la[;k 22 gSa Tks jkmjdsyk /keZizns'k esa vkiuk lsok dke ns jgs gSaA

19 vizSy 2006 esa fc'ki tksu cjok ,l-oh-Mh- jkmjdsyk /keZizkUr ds lg;kd fc'ki ds :i esa vfHkf"kDr gq, tks vkc vksfM'k ds Ekgk/keZ/;k{k gSaA
flrEcj 29] 2013 esa fo'ki fd'kksj dqekj dqtqj jkmjdsyk ds fy, fc'ki vfHkf"kDr gq,A mRlkg ds lkFk /keZizkUr dk xMsfj;k ns[kHkky 'kq: fd,A os 10 o"kZ ds fy, vFkkZr 2015&2025 ds fy, xMsfj;k dk ;kstuk cuk;sA
;g dguk Hkqy ufg gS dh lqUnjx< thyk ;kus jkmjdsyk /keZ izns'k lqUnj fptksa] txg izd`fr ifjos'k vkSj laLd`fr dk x<+ gSA

uknh&ukyk] ikgM icZr] ?kUkk&txay lfHk izdkj dk eqY;ou [kf.kt inFkZ] rFkk vkfnokfl;ksa dk lqUnj LoHkko vkSj laLd`fr ;kgkdk igpku gSA
lqUnjx<+ ftYyk NksfV ckfM lglz igkM icZr fd ekyk ls lhaxjk x;k gSA ;kgk ij ukS cfM cfM unh;k vifu lqjsfy vkokt ls cgfr gS vkSj pkj cMs cMs ck/k ;k MSe  gSA ;gka ,d gh ty izikr gS tks [kaMk/kkj ds uke ls tuk trk gSA D;ksa fd bldk ty lzksr dk vkdkj rkyokj TkSlk gSA cSKkfud izek.khr gS ;kgk dk ty lq/k vkSj fius dk ;ksX; gSA

;kgk ds taxyksa esa gj izdkj ds fgalzk tkarq vkSj iaf{k;k ns[kus dks feyrs gSA
lqUnjx< ftyk ,d vkfnokfl cgqy ftyk gSA ;kgka ds ucs izfrlr vkfnoklh taxy] tfeu] vkSj ty ij fuHkZj djrs gSA bZdk eq[;k islk d`f"k gS cdh dsoy nl izfrlr ds yksx dy&dj[kuk] [kk/kku ]bZV HkkBk edku vkSj jkLrk fueZ.k dke esa etqjh djrs gSaA

eq[;rk% pkj vkfnoklh tkfr [khzfr;k /keZ vkiuk;k gS] eqUMfj] [kkfM;k] fdlku vkSj mjkoaA mudk x`g fue.kZ dk lSfy vkyx vkyx gSA mudk islk fHk vkyx vkyx gSA mudk Hkk"k] laLd`fr] vkSj fiU/ku vuks[kk vkSj lqUnj gSaA

mudk /kfeZd ftoku n<+ gSA D;ksSfd izjEHk ls gh os ,d bZ'oj ij fo'ol djrs vk;sgSa fQygky iap fe'ku LVs'ku ls 43 ifYy gks x;k gSA

/keZizns'k dks yksd /kfeZ iqjksfgr vkSj /keZ lekft;ksa dk ,drk vkSj fo'ol dks izdkV djus /keZizns'k esa fru cMs rSogkj euk;k trk gSA xaxiqj fe'ku dk LFkkiuk fnol igyk fe'ku LVslu dsljkeky esa vksDVkscj eg dk }hfr;k jfcoj esa] d`l fot; icZ lsIVsecj 14 dks fcgkcU/k ify esa vkSj ekrk efj;ke tks jkmjdsyk /keZizns'k dh lajk{kdk laUr gSa Qsc`okjh 11 efj;k igkM Mfgiks"k esa /kqe /ke ls euk;k trk gSA

dfyfl;kbZ thou dk uohuh dj.k ds fy;s /keZizns'k esa y?kq[kzhfLr;k leqn; dk xBu dks iz/kurk fn;k x;k gSaA bZlds vfrjhDr dfjLekbZ] cbZcky lekjksg bZR;kfn d;Zdze yxkrkj pyrk jgrk gSA
xaxiqj fe'ku ds izjEHk ls gh fl{kk dks egRok fn;k x;kA fl{kk dks ldkj djus ds fy;s cgqr ls Ldqy [kksys x;sA

LoLFk lsok ds fy;s 1952 esa dyqxk esa ,d fe'kku vkLirky dk fue.k fd;k x;kA bZldh v/kqfu dj.k ds fy;s 1986 esa Lku&uqvxko LFkkU=r fd;k x;k vkSj vU; 35 izFke fpdhRlky; [kksys x;sA
lcZfxu fcdk'k ds fy;s jkmjdsy lekftd lsok lsLFkk LFkkiuk fd;k x;k gsA
d`M vkSj [ksy dqn esa fHk lqUnjx< ftYyk izfl/k gSA
;kgk ikj lfHk izdkj dk eqY;oku [kf.kt inkFkZ tSls dks,yk] pquk iFkj] MksyksekbZV] yksgk iFkj] rEck ] fdjksflu vkSj lksuk ls Hkjk gSA
[kk/ku] dydj[kuk ;kgk ds vkfnoklh;ks ds fy;s ftohdk dk l/ku ls T;knk guhdkjd gSA D;ksfd bZlds }kjk yksx yxkrkj fcLrkfir vkSj iznq'k.k ds lhdkj gks jgs gsa ftlds Qy Lo:i lqUnjx< vklqUnj gks jfg gSa
v/kqfudj.k dk vkSj ,d dq&izHkko gSA

vkfnoklh cs jkstxkfj dk leL;k c< jgk gSA
cgqr ls ;qok ;qofr;k vkSj cqtqxZ yksx fHk xako NksM ds cMs 'kgj dh oj iyk;ku dj jgs gSA

orZeu fc"ki fd'kj dqej dqtqj fd vkxqokbZ ls yksd /kfeZ] iqjksghr vkSj /keZ lekft fey dj bZu pqukofr;ksa dks leuk djrs gqos mUukfr dh vkSj c< jgs gSaA bZlesa ;qoksaa ls cfM vk'kk gSA
fQygky gejs isjuk dk oD; gS

              pyrs jgsxsa c<rs jgsaxs] dfHk Fkdsxsa ugha :dsxsa ugha vkSj gkj ugh eusxsa
tcrkd gj bZulku bZ'oj dk jkT;k dk vukHkko uk djsA

Friday, August 17, 2018

He pita teri araadhna ho (song for adoration)

Hai friends this is the song you can sing during adoration.
thank you