Showing posts with label Advent Season. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Advent Season. Show all posts

Friday, December 6, 2024

Lord My Servant is laying Paralysed at Home

"Lord my Servant is laying Paralised at home..." said a Centurion. The verse gives us a very thoughtful insight. Now a days maximum people think only of themselves, their family members and only for their own. People are hired for work and maximum is extracted from them and paid very less. In many places they are treated inhuman way, tourchered and ill treated. No one thinks for them about their basics.  

Today's Gospel speaks about an exampluraly Centurion who is even ready to humble himself before Jesus for the cure of his Servant. Do we bother who help us in our work even though they are paid when they are in need? 

We are preparing for Lord's coming...Lord Jesus comes to us everyday in the form of needy, do we recognize His presence. It's possible only through His grace. Let's help the needy today.